Friday, July 24, 2009

Lunchtime prayers...

Heart warming moment of the day...

Today as lunch approached, I became busy working about the kitchen... therefore not sitting down upon putting the food on the table, and KB in her highchair - as I normally do. I finally came to a stopping point, went and sat down, and began eating. A couple minutes later, I see KB solemnly set the corn chip she was munching on, down on her plate. Confused as to what was the matter, I look up just in time to watch her bow her head, close her eyes, and start babbling ever so sincerly. However, it wasn't until she finished - with the sweetest little "a-men!" you've ever heard - did I realize what was going on. In our family, we always pray a blessing over our food before we eat. But due to KB sitting down first, and me having my brain in too many places at once... we started eating without giving thanks. I asked her, "KB, where you just praying for your lunch?" She slowly nodded. Then she reached for my hand (we always hold hands to pray) and once again, quietly bowed her head - waiting for me to begin. With a lump in my throat, and tears in my eyes, I joyfully prayed with her, thanking the Lord for our food, the day... and for KB remembering what makes Jesus happy! :-) My heart is overwhelmed with love, joy, & gratefulness... for this generous, compassionate, and tender-hearted little girl with whom the Lord has blessed us. ~ I love my baby girl... ♥

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww Marmee loves her too! Way to go KB!Sometimes mommies forget and we need to be reminded what's really important! I'm proud of you! I'll see you soon! love, Marmee <3 (mom-mo)