Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Corinthians 13 - A Prayer for a Wife

The following excerpt is taken from the book: "Becoming the Woman of His Dreams" by Sharon Jaynes. Every time I read it,  it resounds so deeply within my heart...  it nearly moves me to tears. I actually have it printed off, and taped to the inside cover of my Bible, so I can read/pray through/think on it often.  It's a beautiful reminder that, above everything else this world has to offer...  our purpose & priority as Godly wives,  should be to love & honor our husbands. -- be their biggest cheerleader, chief adviser, most trusted confidant,  best-friend., & helpmeet. ~ Enjoy!

A Wife's Prayer - paraphrased from I Corinthians 13
If  I  teach Bible  study classes,  volunteer for women's ministry  and  sing   in  the choir, but  do  not  love  my husband,   I   am  only   as   a   resounding   gong  or   a clanging cymbal.   If   I  have  a  college  degree,  high-paying   job,  and  successful  career,   but do  not  love my     husband,   I    am    emotionally   and    spiritually bankrupt.     If    I have    faith    so    I    can    remove mountains,   am   quick   to   pray  for   those   in need,  and   even   have   half   the  bible   memorized,   but  do not  love  my  husband,  I am  disobedient  and  do not please God.   If   I  keep  a  spotless   house,  maintain a well-manicured    lawn,   and    prepare    nutritionally  balanced   meals,  but  do  not love  my  husband,  it  is all  for  naught.  Hired  hands  can  do  as  much.
Lord,  help  me  to  be  patient.  Help  me to  be  kind.  I pray  that I  will not envy those who have seemingly happier  marriages &  husbands  who are more helpful  around  the house or  thoughtful or  romantic.   I pray that  I will  never  try to  lift  myself up  by putting my husband down.  Lord, I pray that I will not be a proud women  who  refuses to  listen  to  her  husband, who always has to have  the last word,  who always thinks her  way is best.   I pray  that I will  not be rude to my husband with curt comments, disregard his needs,  or be ungrateful for all he does and is,  but treat him with respect and honor that  the king of the castle deserves.

I pray that I  will not be self- serving,  always thinking about what is best for me,  but thinking of what would be  best  for  my  husband.   I  pray  that  I  will  not  be angered easily,  not  hold a  grudge,  keep a  record  of wrongs,  not plan  ways to  retaliate,  and not use  my tongue as  a  weapon to cause pain.   I  pray that I will not  rejoice  and  say "I told you so" when  things don't work  out  they  way  my  husband  hoped.

Lord, above all,  I  pray the my husband will see me as his chief cheerleader who desires to rejoice with  him in his victories, both big and small. That he will see me as the  one who  longs  to  protect  our marriage and  our love.   Help me create a warm and  loving environment in  which  he feels  safe,  wanted,  and revered.   I  pray that you will give me endurance when things get tough. Help  the  words  "divorce" to  never  enter my mind or cross  my lips  as  an option.   Lord,   I know  that  love never fails  and  that You never fail.  Fill  me with  Your Holy  Spirit  and  give  me  the  endurance  to  stand  under  trials and  love  my husband, as you would have me  love  him  --  till  death  us  do  part,

    ~ In Jesus' name, amen ~

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