Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tiph fell down and broke her.....

So....  I am afraid I am going to be missing for awhile.  I  fell 2wks ago (as of last Thurs) and severely sprained /strained /hyper-extended both arms, at the elbows. Yup, leave it to me... if I am going to do it, I am going to go ALL the way.

Ok, ok.... so I didn't actually break anything as the title suggests.... but I there are times I think (and doc confirmed) it wouldve been better if I did.  Sprains are killer painful and , as I am learning, take *forever* to heal.  My diagnosis:  I have to wear both arms immobilized in slings until they heal (which will take a minimum of 6-8 weeks - boo!).... and I am currently 100% dependent on other people for *everything* (yes even the embarrassing stuff).  All I can say right now,  is my husband is a saint... my mother-in-love (and co) is an angel.... and my sister is [already] a life saver (she came last Fri - to stay with/help me as long as needed! yay!)!!  The good news is, I'm expected to have a full recovery when this is all over... but it's going to take a long, LONG time.  Needless to say it's been quite the experience thus far, but God is good, and His extra measures of grace are what are getting us thru this.   

 Thank u in advance for the prayers!! ♥

P.S - Please excuse any errors. I am posting from my phone - which I am finally able to hold/use in slow, brief sessions...