Breastfeeding is NOT obscene!!!
Obscene - adj. - something offensive due to sex or violence to the point of being illegal....
Obscene - adj. - something offensive due to sex or violence to the point of being illegal....
Breastfeeding is not sexual... it is one of the most
gentle, least violent things you can do for a child... and is
*perfectly* legal (there are even laws in place [in many states - FL
included] which protect breastfeeding mamas against such
SO... if you are so annoyed & bothered by it... that's fine. Just do us all a favor, and put a blanket over YOUR head!!
SO... if you are so annoyed & bothered by it... that's fine. Just do us all a favor, and put a blanket over YOUR head!!
It's not about my rights to breastfeed...
it about my BABY's rights to eat!!!