Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Book review: Momma, Will You?

Kb received this book back in October, as part of the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Program, through our library.  Some of the books we've received have been fabulous... others, eh, ok... with one or two getting passed right along.  But this one... it's definitely a WINNER (in so many ways)!! After reading it at least twice this afternoon, I can't help but sing it's praises. 

Momma, Will You? / by Dori Chacona
Illustrations by Steve Johnson & Lou Fancher

Momma, Will You? is a simple but beautiful book, in both illustration, and word.  Its soft, gorgeous,   lifelike, painted  pictures... and it's sweet, melodic rhyming lyric found KB and I both captivated from the first "Momma, will you feed the hen?  Yes or No or maybe" to the last tuck into bed. 

The story is set on a farm, and follows a gentle & adoring (babywearing!! - on a couple of pages she has baby on her back in a MeiTai looking carrier!!! :-)))) momma of a an  inquisitive boy of about three, I am guessing, who is eager to show his baby sister around his world.   Throughout the book (and their day), the little family  makes their way around their farm, where they feed the hen, ride a dappled horse, take a bath, and share kisses with a puppy.  Along the way, the boy asks numerous questions about the farm animals... and his mother is always there with just the right answer  - no matter what adventures their day might bring about.  Always starting with  a  "yes," "no," or "maybe" -  her tender responses are presented in reassuring refrains, that echo & confirm her son's queries. Then she continues her explanation by expounding her response - always offering alternative suggestions, if the answer should be a no.  Nurturing and encouraging the boys curiosity, all through the day....  the book finally comes to a close,  as their momma  lovingly tucks them both into their beds (The only way this could be any better, is if she tucked them into a family bed....  but, hey, they can't all be perfect, can they?)

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